From depression, disconnection, burn out and a deep feeling of unworthiness
to living a deeply
I guide and support women in reclaiming their worthiness. To have the courage to take aligned action from a place of embodied inner confidence, self love and inner empowerment.
For most of my life I was driven by an unconcious story of UNWORTHINESS
Never fully believing that “I belonged”, that I was worthy of success, love, abundance and fulfillment. That others “have what it takes” and I didn’t.
It has been the greatest RECLAMATION and FREEDOM to REWRITE THIS STORY
To truly connect to my innate worthiness, my inner power and confidence and live a life which FEELS so abundant. To have the courage to go ALL IN on myself and my heart desires.
NOW I get to walk alongside women in their reclamation journey’s, claiming back their worthiness and confidence while being led by their hearts and SOUL truth.
came from walking myself through the darkness of Depression and meeting the deep grief, pain and loss I felt through “losing” my mom to her brain aneurysm and the subsequent loss I felt to the “world as I knew it”.
I experienced this massive heart-ache as an emotional trauma which really severed me from the truth of who I was.
From depressed, insecure and fearful to feeling worthy, confident and empowered
In 2015 I hit a rock bottom.
Through the intense grief, pain, emotional trauma I had experienced for many years, I was left feeling so lost, lonely, insecure, depressed and really disconnected from myself. I looked at myself in the mirror one day and I did not recognize the girl looking back at me.
I had completely lost myself….my feeling of worthiness, my confidence, my voice and my truth.
and in that moment, I knew I had to make some BIG changes in my life.
I was done with the story of unworthiness and feeling a victim in my life and I really felt called to lead myself through this.
It was at this point where I began doing my own inner SOUL work and LEADING myself through daily practices and learning tools which supported me in moving through the challenges and really taking action towards the life I truly desired.
I went on to study somatic (body based) healing modalities of Yoga, Mindfulness and TRE (Tension and Trauma release exercises) and got the support I needed with great teachers and coaches to guide and mentor me through my healing and transformation journey.
Having the support of coaches and teachers deeply supported my own process of transformation
It was through this somatic healing work, nervous system regulation and mindset practices that things really began to shift for me….
My purpose in serving others became so CLEAR
I felt deeply called to share this work with other women, so that they too could experience the inner freedom that I had felt through this work.
My Embodied Essence Mentorship was born out of this SOUL calling.
NOW I get to live out my own truth and embodied wisdom as a somatic healing guide, by guiding you back into connection with your body and heart. To support you in your own reclamation and expansion because you are an absolute gift to this world and your light is needed.
Through working with somatic practices and healing the nervous system you are able to work with your body as your wisdom. Coming to know your own truth and to take confident action from this place.
Really building sustainable embodied transformation from the inside out.
Are you ready?
A few things most people don’t know about me….
I often spend my evenings lying on my back on my yoga mat in the dark moving gently, taking big breaths, letting go of a lot, soft music playing and wafts of incense deepening my process.
I spent 6 months in India in 2016 on a beautiful solo journey discovering myself again.
I am happiest on the beach, listening to the breaking waves and collecting beautiful shells.
I worked as a Winemaker for several years.
I feel most in my power when I am trail running or swimming in the ocean
I live on a sailboat in Caribbean with my most loving partner, Andy and our doggie Tazz.
I have two beautiful sisters who I admire and love deeply
I love invoking laughter and will often begin to scream uncontrolably to start getting others and myself to laugh.
Education, trainings and mentorships
9 month Tension and Trauma Releasing exercises (TRE®) certified training - TRE International training (in progress)
1:1 Theta Healing, Mark Tarlton, Shift happens
6 month Business and inner transformational Coaching, Alexia Usgaard
8 week Moon lodge Women’s circle facilitation training, Annette Muller
1:1 Theta Healing coaching, Mark Tarlton, Shift happens
Timbo (Trauma informed mind & body) Level 1 - Mindfulness based intervention - Suzanne Jones
ICAN Institute with Deb Erickson - Mindset coaching, Deb Erickson
1:1 Theta Healing coaching, Mark Tarlton
Joined Elena Brower’s Essential practice DoTerra Team
6 month group Mentorship with Elena Brower
6 month business coaching & mentorship program, Maika Endo
Mindfulness coaching & mentorship, Susan Fletcher
1:1 Theta Healing coaching, Mark Tarlton
Fertility awareness coaching, Beatrice Rabkin
3 day silent Meditation retreat, Sue Cooper
Body Fascia Release workshop, Liza Kimble
1:1 Theta Healing coaching, Mark Tarlton
Level 1 and 2 Body Alignment therapy, Body Alignment Academy, Jen Rorrison
1:1 Theta Healing coaching, Mark Tarlton
6 month breakthrough coaching, Doron Geber
200hr Yoga Teacher Training
MSc Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University
BSc Food Science, Stellenbosch University
Are you ready to work with me?
Let’s walk this path together. I’m here to support you. Find out more in a free connection call